The Lord Mayor's Meeting To Give Support To The Pasteur
Institute in Paris, on Monday, was as unanimous, to use Mr. Lowell's happy simile, as "Jonah in the whale," but the reason was simple,—that all opposition was deliberately......
Mr. James Tuke, Who Has Done Such Great Services, Year
after year, to the poorest inhabitants of the poorest part of Ireland, sends a very interesting letter to last Saturday's Times on the condition of Donegal, and on the attitude......
On Monday, The Lord Mayor Of Dublin (mr. Sexton, M.p.)
asked leave to move the adjournment of the House on a matter of urgent importance„ in order to call attention to the - proclamation of a meeting at Cork on Sunday, and the......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On
Friday 981 to 981.......
The First Meeting Of The Bright Memorial Conroultee Was Held
on Tuesday in Devonshire House, Lord Hartington taking the chair. The purpose is, in the first instance, to erect a statue of Mr. Bright within the precincts of St. Stephen's,......
Lord Rosebery Asked On Tuesday How Matters Stood In Regard
to the Delagoa Railway, and Lord Salisbury replied that the action of Portugal had been very high-handed and, "in his opinion, very unjust." It had been directed, however, in......
The "society For The Liberation Of Religion From State...
and Control" are greatly elated by Mr. Gladstone's declaration atrt. Austell in favour of Disestablishment for Wales and Scotland, and regard his declaration in relation to......
Business In The House Of Commons Is Getting On With
i perplexing absence of obstruction. The Scotch University Bill, and the Scotch Local Government Bill, and the Coal Duties Abolition Bill, are all advancing as if the Opposition......