A New Volume Of The Pulpit Commentary, Edited By The
Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence, D.D., and the Rev. Joseph S. Exell (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.), contains the two Epistles of St. Peter, the three Epistles of St. John, and the......
Elementary Biology. By R. J. Harvey-gibson, M.a. (long-...
Co.)—Botany takes up half the space of this work, an arrangement quite in accordance with the attitude of the teach- ing biologists of to-day. We have no fault to find with this......
D. D. Home: His Life And Mission. By Madame Dunglass
Home. (Triibner and Co.)—This is a book of wonders. People of credit (Lord Adair, Lord Lindsay, Mrs. S. C. Hall, for instance), testify to holding red-hot coals in their hands......
Essays An Sacred Subjects. By The Rev. W. Russell (blackwood
and Sons.)—Mr. Russell writes clearly and forcibly, and draws his arguments from abundant stores of knowledge. Nothing could be more lucid than his summary of the philosophical......
A Queen Among Queens. By Cameron Macdonald. (swan Son-...
and Co.)—The "Queen among Queens" is Zenobia of Palmyra. In this volume Mr. Macdonald tells, in a somewhat inflated style, the story of her fall. He follows the usually accepted......
Popular Lectures And Addresses. By Sir W. Thomson. Vol. I.
(Macmillan.)—Every one should be grateful for the suggestion made to Sir W. Thomson,—that he should publish a certain lecture, "On Capillarity," in an accessible form. The......
First Principles Of Physiography. By J. Douglas. (chapman...
is a clearly written manual of physiographical principles on the broadest lines, including geology and the physics of the earth. Perhaps the conditions of weather and climate......
The Web Of Fate. By W. J. Wilding. (hurst And
Blackett.)— This story should give almost absolute satisfaction to lovers of melodramatic fiction. It is spiritedly written ; it is full of startling incidents, including a......
Sketches From A Tour Through Holland And Germany. By J.
P. Mahaffy and J. C. Rogers. (Macmillan.)—"This book," says the preface, "is really a joint-stock undertaking." It is not the less true that the well-known characteristics of......