American dog lovers are deeply interested in the develop. ment by British scientists of a vaccine for distemper in dogs. The production of this vaccine in England being on such a limited scale, the American Kennel Club has financed the visit to America of an English scientist for the purpose of teaching the American chemical laboratories the technique of manufacturing the new vaccine. It is expected that the' production of this vaccine on an adequate scale will soon be developed, and that then it will be possible to inoculate dogs anywhere in the United States against this disease; the mortality on account of which at the present time is very high. While British scientists have been doing such outstanding work in the study of distemper in dogs, American researches of a similar character are at the moment concen- trated on the study of Fox Distemper, a disease similar to distemper in dogs. This study has been stimulated by the growing interest in fox hunting in America, together with the extensive development in the breeding of foxes for the
production of furs. IvY LEE. New York, Wednesday, July 3rd,