Tim Eight-hour Day.
At the recent annual meeting of Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, the chairman referred in moderately hopeful terms to the general outlook, stating that after several years of......
A Pinusning Consolidation.
The past year has been a good one in the publishing trade as carried on by George Newnes, Ltd., and at the recent annual meeting the chairman, Sir Frank Newnes, made the......
Banking In New Zealand.
The latest financial statement of the National Bank of New Zealand for the year ending March 31st last is a very satis- factory one. Gross profits show a rise from £684,341 to......
Financial Notes
LARGE GOLD EFFLUX. MONETARY influences have again dominated the Stock Markets during the past week and British Funds and kindred securities have been adversely affected by the......
The Phoenix Oil And Transport Company Did Well Last Year,
for, notwithstanding the low level of prices, profits were increased from £223,553 to 2,239,099. The conservative policy as regards dividend distributions is maintained,......
Tea Profits.
In view of the big jump in trading profits of the International Tea Company's Stores, it is scarcely surprising that the directors should have decided to make a further issue of......