Australian Experiments In Rationalization. And...
in Economic Control by N. Skene Smith of the London School of Economics (P. S. King, 15s.). The author has tried to measure the results of Australia's formidable and intricate......
Some Books Of The Week
Mu. H. W. TIMPERLEY'S English Scenes and Birds (Cape, 6s.) is a book first to be dipped into when one is on holiday, and then to be reread without hurry on winter evenings. It......
Thomas Randolph Was Adopted By Ben Jonson As His Poetic
son. He had a clear and colloquial style : a little cluttered here and there with classical commonplaces ; without much profundity of feeling ; marked with an air of......
Professor Earp Insists More Than Once That He Is Writing
his book (The Way of the Greeks, by R. F. Earp, Oxford University Press, 8s. 6d.) as an amateur. If by this he means that his work is slight or careless or inaccurate, he is......
No One Is Better Qualified To Write On The Pagans
of North Borneo (Hutchinson, 30s.) than Major Owen Rutter. Professional anthropologists, a greedy and discontented race, may ask for more, but the ordinarily intelligent reader,......
Mrs. Eleanor Elsner Loves The Sun, And She Contrives To
bring a sunny quality into all her pleasant books of travel : Far and Near (Jenkins, 7s. 6d.) is a sweep-up of some of her travel reminiscences in the colourful countries that......
• A Holiday Competition
THE Editor offers a prize of five guineas for the most practical suggestion for a holiday on a stated sum, which may be any- thing front 110 to £100 (including all travelling......
(" General Knowledge Competition" And "more Books Of The "
Week" will be found on pages 28 and 32.)......