German protests on the tenth anniversary of signing the Versailles Treaty against "the war guilt lie" find increasing sympathy in the United States. Professor Sidney Fay's thorough analysis of the documentary and other evidence in his book The Origins of the World War, published last year, has had a considerable influence in modifying American opinion as to the causes of the War. While the Imperial German Government is net absolved of all guilt, it is generally felt now that the responsibility for war was not Germany's alone. The New York World remarks that "if war guilt were merely a sentimental matter the Germans would have had their vindication before this, but war guilt is primarily a political question," and expresses confidence that political questions such as reparations, disarmament, the occupation of the Rhineland, German-Austrian Union and Eastern frontier problems, are progressing towards an ultimate settlement, and when that is effected "Article 281 will be scrapped."
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