The Balkans The tension between Bulgaria and Jugoslavia is very
disturbing to the rest of Europe. There is little use in blaming the Governments for not exercising direct control on every frontier post which beguiles tedium by shooting at people, guards or civilians, of the other nation. But there must be something seriously wrong in the spirit of the army on at least one side. To refrain from retaliation is too much to expect from people accustomed to take the law into their own hands, because it is scarcely recognized in the hands of officials. The officers respon- sible ought, we suspect, to receive much clearer instruc- tions how to carry out frontier guarding without offence ; but it is a general hatred of violence that is needed, and this will only come with the advance of civilization. Until it comes, we trust that Governments and peoples will not allow themselves to be stirred unduly by the lamentable acts of single persons or posts. In Poland Parliamentary Government has suffered rude treatment from Marshal Pilsudski. When one of his Ministers was impeached by the Seym he intervened at the trial, and said, plainly and contemptuously, that he was master, and would see that the Seym did not take any silly or impertinent action of which he did not approve.