Westminster Abbey The Royal Fine Art Commission has reported to
the Dean of Westminster, at his request, upon the proposed new Sacristy. They regret any addition to the Abbey. This general position seems to us unnecessarily static. They then discuss which of the two sites suggested by the Dean is the least (sic) open to objection, and con- clude that it is the site in the angle between the east side of the North Transept and the Choir. We share the prejudices that have been expressed against new building, but feel that they ought not to prevail. If the work of mediaeval builders is sacrosanct., where is the line to be drawn ? Is Wren's work to be sacrosanct, or Sir Gilbert Scott's, or J. L. Pearson's porch on the same side as the proposed Sacristy ? Pearson died thirty years ago. His work has fitted into the whole, and why should not a new Sacristy do so, and perhaps become sacrosanct itself in thirty years time ? The Dean and Chapter are not rash, and have considered criticism in plenty, and must be trusted to do the best for their charge.
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