Lord Palmerston was returned for Tiverton on Monday, without a
symptom of opposition. Indeed, the electors seem well pleased with the exchange they have made. The new Member harangued his con- stituents at length on the mighty benefits conferred on the nation by Lord Grey's Ministry; and took a fair share of credit to himself for having preserved peace in very difficult tines. He spoke sarcastically of the Tory proceedings in the present Parliament; and liberally, but vaguely, on the more interesting political topics of the day. lie was chaired amidst the acclamations of the people, and took his departure for town the same evening.
The Reformers of Birmingham, to the number of about five thou- sand, assembled in the Town-hall on Monday, the High-bailiff in the chair ; and agreed to an address to the King approving strongly of the last change of Ministers.
Reform Associations have been established at Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington, Bolton, Wigan, Prescot, Ormskirk, Leigh, Barton- on-Itwell, Fhixton, and Rochdale.
The West Riding Conservative Society, which was formed at Wake- field on Thursday week, is flourishing beyond all expectation. A great number of most respectable gentlemen, and many of the yeomen, farmers, and manufacturers, have enrolled their names ; and we rejoice to hear that steps arc taking to effect a " full and fair" registration of the Conservative votes. Had this been done at the last registry, Lord Morpeth would not be the sitting Member for the Riding.— York Chronicle. [Let the Yorkshire Reformers take warning, and be on the alert : they may then laugh at this Tory boasting.] The Dissenters of Clavering, Essex, have: defeated the attempt to vote a Church-rate, by 47 to 4.3. At a Special Sessions, held on Wednesday at St. Augustine's, near Cants rbury, sixteen labourers were found guilty of tumultuouslyas- sembling at Sittingbourne, Doddington, and other places, with a view to prevent the execution of the New Poor Act. They were recom- mended to mercy by the Jury.