6 JUNE 1835, page 13

Tiie Ballot Division.

'foie:nay, .lest: 2.1531 MINORITY of 144, who voted in favour of Mr. GROTE'S motion, de- claring the expulicticy of taking Votes at Elections of Members of Parliament by Secret......

';'opics Of The Day.

THE RENEGADE MEMBER FOR WESTMINSTER. IN the list of silhe members of the Reform Association, appears the Bailie of , ANCIS BURDETT. When first it (sleight our eye., it seemed to......

The Theatres.

THE event of this Iveek has been the return to the stage of a veteran actor ; that of next will be the retirement of a favourite actress. N iss KELLY makes her farewell curtsey......

To The Intro:: Or"rtie Srr(taaon.

Ilers.od eOill May :15. Sit—four jolt! lea is always open to ; awl as I h aye to complain of the injustice of your poweiful enurem n;taty the though the rumor) . is greatly......

Hints To Lord John Russell.

IT is not long since we took occasion to speak favourably of Lord oft:g RUSSELL'S qualifications fOr the office of Ministerial Leader. We are not disposed to retract the praise......