6 JUNE 1835, Page 13


'foie:nay, .lest: 2.1531 MINORITY of 144, who voted in favour of Mr. GROTE'S motion, de- claring the expulicticy of taking Votes at Elections of Members of Parliament by Secret Ballot. Aglitinhy, IL A. Divett, E. Lynch. A. II. Sheblon,E. B. C. Ainsworth. 1'. Dundas, Hon..1, C. Mac Canee, John Seale, J. IL

Attwood, Thomas liuncombe, T. S. Marnamara. Major Speirs, A. G.

Bainbridge. E. 'T. Dunlop, C. .Maller. John Sharpe, General Baines, Edward Dykes, F. I,. It. Marshall, William Seholetield, J.

Baldwin, II. Elphihstone, II. Marsland. Henry Shell. L.

Barnard, E. G. Evans, Georg., Mtdesworth, Sir W. Strati. E.

Aluilitts, F. W. Barron. II. W. Evans. Colonel Talbot, J.

Barry, G. S. Loot. William Mulgrave, Sir R. l'alfoiad, T. N. lleauelerk, Major Eellowes, lie. N. Na.:1e, Sir Richard Tancred, II. W, Bellew, it. M. Ferguson. Gen. Sir R.O'Brien. C. Thompson, w'.Bewes. Thomas Eielden. John O'Connell, Jahn 'namely. 'I'. Bid:Milk Robert Finn, W. F. O'Connell, M. J. Tooke, W• Bish. Thomas Fitzsimon, Nicholas O'Connell, Daniel Trelawney, Sir W. S. Illackburne, John Fitzshnon, C. O'Connell. Morgan Tulk, C. A.

Blunt, Sir Charles Gaskell, D. O'Connell, Mamie.: Turner, W.

Bodkin. J.J. Gillon, W. D. O'Connor, Don Ty nte, C. J. K. newifin.r. Dr. Gishorne, Thomas 0'1)wyer. A. C. Villiers, C.

Wakley, T. Itraly, 1).C. Guest, J. J. Pa mut, J.

Br clilehurst, J. Gully, John Pat Use% J. Walker, C. A.

Brothetton, Josh. Ilarvey, D. W. Pease, J. Walker, It. Browne, Dominick Ilawes, Benjamin Philips, Mark Wallace. R.

Backingliani, J. S. Ilawkius, J. II. Ponsonbv, llon..1. Warburton, II.

Buller, Charles Hector, L. J. Potter, It. Wank N.G.

Bulwer, H. L. I bat heote, R. F. Power, 1'. Whalley, Sir S. Bartlett. Sir Francis Ilimiley. Charles Power, J. Wigney, J. N.

R ippon, C.

Callaghan, Daniel Hodges, '1'. I. Wilde, Sergeant

Chalmers, Patrick Iliampliery. John Ruche, W. Wilks, J.

Chapman, M. L. 'bat, William Roche, D. Williams, W. A. Chichester, J. P. B. Johnston, Andrew Ronayne, D. Williams, W. Clay, William Kemp, T. It. Roebhek. J. A. Wood, Alderman Codrington, Sir E. King. Bolton Russell, Lord C. Wyse, T. Conyngliam, Lord A. Langton, Col. G. It andle.J. Collier, J. Leader, J. T. Russell, Lord TELLERS.

Crawford, S. Lister, E. C. It mimeo, E. Crawley, Samuel Lestireton, Dr. Enthven, E.S. Hume..1.

Dennis:0nm A. Lushingion, Charles Strickland, Sir IL Gtote. G. The following gentlemen paired off in favour of the motion. Sir R. Simeou, Colonel Butler. G. S'nclair, F.. L. Huber, T. Twisden Hodges, Paul Methuen. John Ibrdy. Sir William Brabazon, Benjamin Hall. J. Bagshaw, Alit ratan Copeland, Colonel Westenra, Otway Cave, and Leonard Dobbin. Total in favour of the Ballot, 160.