A Deputation From The Committee For Conducting The Reform...
houses dinner this day; at the London Tavern, waited on Lord Brougham yesterday, for the purpose of soliciting his Lordship to 01 1 ie the chair. His Lordship received them with......
It Appears By Intelligence Received This Morning From...
that Sir Fasoutlex Roe has resolved to make the investigation as private as possible. He has refused admission to the public, and to the reporters for the London newspapers.......
Sir Robert Peel ' On Mr. Grote's Motion, Says, " That
for his part, be could not un derstand why the Ballot, if good for the consti- tuent body, should not also be good for the representative body :" i. e. Sir ROBERT PEEL ' on Mr.......
SATURDAY. The Spanish Cortes were 'prorogued on the tilt.11 of May, by the Queen Regent. The question of figeign intervention is rather vaguely alluded to in the speech which......
-i:serum:noir, And Abell Es, Were Set:towed To 10,0so...
and a month's imprisonment each ; 'Tat:t.:,cr to o r rrtc years' int/of:wowed, and a tine of 10,0(81 francs ; the others to one mouth's imprisooment, and fines varying from 200......
East India Shipping.
The Nladeline, Hamilton, front Loudon to New South, \Va'.es, is lost at Ilona Crew saved. Arrived—At Gravesend, Juno 2:1, Triumph, Green, from llonabay. OP: I %over. Po. Trull,......
Births, Maititiages, And Deaths.
ititeros. (in the 27th tilt., at Nuxton, the Lady et the lion, the Dean of WINnson, of a laughter. On the 30th alt., at Appleby, Leicestershire, the Lady of the Rev. J wiN M.......
Tiie Army.
\sae esters, seer. 5.s-1e Itegt. of Itratztions—Mtijor T. NT:uteri 10 1T1 1% it hunt %ire Somerset, dye.; II. Warillaw, limit. to be l'ornyt by purchase. Ike (*Palk!, who ret......
Money Market.
STOCK ExCliSX0E, FISIDA V A rrsaleo.11. Although we are not yet enabled to qsote any improvement in the prices sf the Foreign Stocks, the market is assuming a more healthy......
The Theatres.
THE event of this Iveek has been the return to the stage of a veteran actor ; that of next will be the retirement of a favourite actress. N iss KELLY makes her farewell curtsey......
On Tuesday Last, The Bishop Of London Held A Confirmation
at Marylebone church, when upwards of 700 young persons were con- firmed. It may be remarked that, of the number, 6C0 at least consisted of fimales.—Standard. A lady high in......