(in the 27th tilt., at Nuxton, the Lady et the lion, the Dean of WINnson, of a laughter.
On the 30th alt., at Appleby, Leicestershire, the Lady of the Rev. J wiN M. ECIIALAZ Reel or of that parish, Of a son.
On the 25th ult., at Woolwich, the Lady of J. NI. SAVAGE, Esq., Royal Horse Art Mery , of a sou.
On the 1st inst„ K neesa mill Canda-idgeshire, Mrs. IIENDYSIIE. of a son.
Ott the 3d inst., in 1)US the Lady of NV. Sxutv LOWNDES junior, of Barrington Ilall, Essex. Esq., 01 a daughter.
On the 2d inst., at Oltlford, Mrs. 'Ertumas AVrettsiee I), of a daughter.
On the 28th ult., at ('nester-11,StIvei, 1{1115A HD PLEID'E liDTLLIi, Esq., eldest son of Sir Tien:els Butler, Bart., of Jtallin Temple, (*allow, to MATILDA, second awl youngest dal:gide, of 'Thomas Cookson, Esq., of Ilermitage, Innham. flan the 211 HUGH II A hit; LEV, Esq., of Pv Item Oxtimishire. to l'incitp.v Moroi. Ass. eldest daughter of the late John Philips, Esq , of Culhant House. Oil the 27t11 ult., at Stuelsport parish eletreh, the Rev..). S. Brumes, NI.A., of ruder- croft s. Lancashire, sun of Jelin Bohlen, E-q.. or ilytene. in the Sallit! county, t6 ELIZA, laughter of George Andrew, Esq., of Gteenhill, Clmshite.
On the 24th ult., at his house in Edinburgh, DAVID 61:■>ac SANDEM Esq., of Spritigland, Perthshire, in his ;sill year.
On the 28th tilt., in Mat Ilx■rough Street, Bath, SAS AN ELIZA, relict of Lieut.-Col. Noble, 67th Regt.
On the 29th ult., at Cana,: idge, in her 82.1 year, 1Rs. !'reties, widow of the Very itev. 14r. William Pearce, Dean of Ely, and chle,t daughter 4,f the Rev. Walter Seto- told, of Cherry New tun, Cambridgeshire. On the 30th ult.. at Dev-onshire !'pact,, in 1k :C;1; .veur, I; Forte r: TDolyzeDrON F,Ev. Esq., of the Honourable East India Company'3 Sri ViLV, on the Beegal Esta-
On the 3d inst., at Ilawick, THOMAS 3! z • - -