6 JUNE 1835, Page 12


STOCK ExCliSX0E, FISIDA V A rrsaleo.11.

Although we are not yet enabled to qsote any improvement in the prices sf the Foreign Stocks, the market is assuming a more healthy appearance ; ataf business, on a limited scale, may be transacted at the nominal quotations.

Now that the agitation of panic has in some degree subsided, it may be Ls _.ful to glance at the causes of a state of things altogether whhout parallel in we his. tory of the Money Market. For the last two years, the attention of that large class of persons who are anxious to find a means of employment for sot plus ca- pital, has been directed to the Spanish Stock. Brokers have thus been compelled to choose between the loss of their priucipals and the engaging in speculative transactions in Spanish Securities. For a long time, the rise consequent upon the improved political state of Spain, rendered these speculations very succes-ful, and large profits were reaped by those engaged in them : but the proceedings connected with the mission of Lord Emus have tended materially to sleyhe the confidence of the public; and the change from the extreme of temerity to that of caution has been almost magical. Hence the very great depression which the Bonds have experienced. At one period it was utterly impossible to rake mercy upon Spanish Stock on any terms. Great efforts have shire been made to sup- port the market; and these, aided by the firmness of the prices in Awst.danf and Paris, have in some measure restored confidence. Business, however, has been on a very limited scale; and it will take some time before things revert to their old channel.

The other Foreign Stocks have been affected in a greater or less degree by the extraordinary state of the Spanish Market; but they have generally owovered. Money is abundant ; Exchequer Bills being to-day at 33 ma.


The market is completely in a state of torpor, very few transactions of any kind having occurred. The decline of more than 4 per cent. which ocean :t d lit the price of Spanish Stock in Paris, on Thursday last, has completely paral)erd all operations in that Stock ; and no bargains have beentaixted in Colic,. Stock during the whole of the morning. Po tuguese 3 per Cents. have been dyes at 563, and 593. Exchequer Bills have in proved, and are 34 36 pm.

Ditto for Account 91

Bank Stuck

Belgian 5 per Cods. ex. div 09 - French 3 per Ccuts -- Blexican 6 per Cents. 241

5.5 54 Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent..