The Nladeline, Hamilton, front Loudon to New South, \Va'.es, is lost at Ilona Crew saved.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Juno 2:1, Triumph, Green, from llonabay. OP: I %over.
Po. Trull, from Mauritius. Au Bristol, :;t1, aLuIras, Tian nttni, Rem chin'. At Ulm-- pool. 4tIs, Falcon, Burnell, Boni the. Cape. At St. Helena, April Sib, II elv.aly Beadle. from China and Lundell, Pr.-1.ei TOID., [root Bengal. At Bengal, Eet;41:s. from the Clyde. At Van Dit.man's Land, .lanuary 20.11, Sir 1. It. Heed, Haig, f,-oni London; and !loyal Saxon, Benner, rro,u Liverptiol. At Ness South Wales, 142,31l. her 26th. Henry Poi-cher, !tart, from London. Sailed —Front Gra% N., y Fanny, Drunri and, for the (...'apr.; .interChive,Campbell. !Or Madras; must Lady Petersham, Webster. for Uutitiav; Alex-
ander. St. Croix, for China; and Vanguard, Walker. tar Batavia; 31,
Stuart liiptstisteue, Toner, for :Madras; and 5th, Clvdo, Kerr, t,,r Batavia. Front Liverpool, May 31st. Dutehess of Clarence, Huteltinsuil, for lloral,:ty; Jura. tM, Jollta tiGalatt. Robertson. for Batavia; and Bombay l'acket, Gantoch, for Itonthav ; 3d, Jumna, l'inder ; Gipsy, Ilighat; and General Gascoyne, Kirby, fur China; and Tapley, Tapley, for Bengal.