The House of Peers has been employed during the mornings of the week in !Raring the case of Attwood rust's Small, which was appealed from the celebrated decision of Lord Lyndhurst against Mr. Attwood. Lord John Russell has refused to appoint at number of gentlemen recommended by the Duke of' Gordon to be Deputy Lieutenants of the county of' Aberdeen. The Tory papers are very- indignant at this; but the Reformers hail it as a symptom of the adoption of a manly and rational policy by Lord Melbourne's Government.
Sir Edward Codrington and Sir George Grey have presented an ad- dress to Lord John Russell, from Devonport, signed by four thousand inhabitants, expressive of their strong:approbation of his public conduct. At the meeting called for the purpose of proposing this address, there were only three dissentients out of fourteen hundred present. The proceedings before time Ipswich Election Committee, during the last few days, have been very interesting. John Pilgrim, whose appre- hension at Norwich, and the refusal of the Tory Magistlates to give him up on-the Speaker's warrant, were mentioned last week, was brought before the Committee on Monday. His evidence (which, however,
has only been made public in scraps) is, or ought to be decisive as to the illegality of the proceedings of the sitting Members, Messrs. Kelly and Dundas. The Courier has supplied us with an abstract of the
principal facts stated by Pilgrim. It appears that he has been a con- fidential clerk for thirty years to Messrs. Sewiell, Blake, and Keith, attornies of Norwich, agents for Lord Stormont and Searlett; that
previous to the last election " the services of his friend Mr. Pilgrim "
were desired by Mr. Kelly ; that Pilgrim went to Ipswich, and gave money on Dundas and account to the voters; and that after the election, lie and three other active agents in the same work were desired to go abroad under feigned names, by Mr. Clipperton, the agent of Dundas and Kelly. "At the very time, :Mr. Kelly was
pathetically lamenting the absence of these parties, declaring that their testimony tvotild clearly exonerate Air. Ihintlas and himself, and protest- Mg, against the injustice of the Committee believing they- were abroad to
serve their interest:, Alr. Clipperton, sitting within a yard of 11Ir. Kelly, was transmitting to these several parties money for their subsist- came, and desiring them not to stir until the proceedings were over." When the bribery part of the investigation was supposed to be over, Pilgrim mei the others returned to England ; lent a fresh warrant was
obtained against hint, and lie was induced by Mr. O'Alally, an agent for the sitting :Members, to leave London for Norwich ; where the Speaker's %%terrine was served On hint, on Wednesday week. Ile WAS about to obey it, tcbcu " Messrs. Sowell, Blake, and Keith, the per- sonal friends of Mr. Kelly, the pc,1 Beal supporters of' Scarlett and Stormont, laid an inf.:nil:aim against hint, accusing him of having, in the year embezzled the. sum of GI. Ns."
hi Thursday, he teas '• taken before Samuel Dhgnold, who has a son
is the e of :Messrs. SeVc(ti, Blake tool Keith, and Edward Booth, t wo Tory A Idol:len of Norwich, who without 111.10111g any evidence,
adjourned the east) until the next morning; when it was hear,' at some length, and was again adjourned to six o'clock, although the :Magistrates
Were strongly urged to let Pilgrim attend the Committee, and bail was
olfitred for his appearance to meet ally charge which might be brought
against him, to the amount of _Oka ihtetseett /sands. The examina-
tion was again adjourned mail ten tu'elot k on Saturday morning, when fresh warrants Nvere sent down, directed to various parties in whose custody it was supposed Pilgrim might be. One of these warrants was direteed to Mr. Barnes, the High Constable of the town, in whose custody Pilgrim had been, and was at the time of serving the warrant. .1s soon its the Magistrates knew that Mr. Barnes had been served with a warrant to produce :11r. before the Coin.• mittee, they' tools him from his custody, and delivered him into that of an inferior (milker, against whom nu warrant bad been issued." Ilut the end of the matter was, es we have seen, that Pilgrim was brought before the Committee. (hi ll'edeesday last, his examination was tenni:listed.
'11r. Pellock, on the part of \lessrs, Dundas and Kelly, pressed for an ad- journment on the ground that he was not at that moment prepared to call the
Towa•Cleek of 11r. Sparrowe, to contradict Mr. Pilgrim On some important points. 'Much discussion arose; the counsel for the petition urging, that as Mr. Sparrowe was outside the room, it would be more fair to examine him at once, rather than after an evening's preparation. Some of the Com- mittee expressed themselves to the same effect. Mr. Burton said, ' he thought the most straightforward way would be to put Mr. Sparrowe at once in the box,
when he could without previous preparation state what had occurred.' This observation elicited cansiderahle applause from the audienre; who all seemed to understand why it was inconvenient to the counsel fur 'Messrs. Hondas and
Kelly to examine Sir. Sparrowe at once. Mr. Pollork, however, said he could
not go on—there were other persons implicated by Mr. Pilgrim whom it might be necessary to e.,11. '!'heir names, we believe, were NIr.Jay,!sidicitor, of Norwich, 'Mr. Barnes, Digit Constable of Norwich. who went with Mr. Pilgrim, to assist at the Ipswich Election, NIr. Blake and 'Mr. Keith, of the firm of sett ell, Blake and Keith), solicitors, at Norwich, Major Dundas, the brother of 31r. Dundas, who was also abroad at the time of the last inquiry, Mr. Bond, 5Ir. Clamp, and Mr. Cooke, all of Ipswich, whom the Committee have re- ported to have absconded to avoid the service of the warrant of the Speaker of the I louse of Commons, but who have since returned to Englai .l." Yesterday, Mr. Sparrow, Town-Clerk of Ipswich, and Mr. Blake, solicitor of Norwich, were examined mid cross-examined before the
Committee. Both these gentlemen were very unwilling witnesses, but etemgh was elicited front them to confirm the more tutorial points of Pilgrim's testimony relative to the bribery of the IpAvieh electors. Mr. 1l lake denial that his prosecution of Pilgrim for embezzlement had any thing to do with the I:rot-Nell:1gs before the Committee !