\sae esters, seer. 5.s-1e Itegt. of Itratztions—Mtijor T. NT:uteri 10 1T1 1% it hunt %ire Somerset, dye.; II. Warillaw, limit. to be l'ornyt by purchase. Ike (*Palk!, who ret lid or IP reaadkr Elect. of Foot tin:ads—Lieut. and Capt. Sir J. NI. 11,11.2.oyne. Batt. to II, Cap!. and Lieut. by itureli.,e, tier. Long. who retires; Elisii:11 and Lieut. 11. Nla.diri to I, Lieut. ant (*apt. by pan hose, vice Burgoyne; It. IPetti • to 1, Emign and Lieut. Ii, pitrehie.e, %ie.! Musters. Scot.. nisi. leer t:Ptaids -- ittal LiePit. W. F. to t inid ('apt. by purchase, vier stinky. tsho r•tims; C F. Sot loolo., trot. io be 1.*.osio 3114 Lieut. by pureliase, vice ItrandrePit. .2.1 t - -5V, Reed, Cent. to be itsign by pnrehase. vice oa. w ho r•.1 ,t4 ibiot I P. M. 1Ieflptne, ft ten I he 9)111 Regt. of rout, to hr vice ro,d,,e, c.6o e%•olabze,. I i,t root 1.itt,t. NItarray to be Capt. without ptirehase, 1,0 A. I'. Vro,,f1,•, p,1; w.,1b,e,. to lie Lieut. Murray; Gu i M. Mott the 91:4 r..gt. or Font. to he Erisigot vivo \1'.ttlacc'. 1;th rot: - II. Ire Rony1is tient. to Ito I; tsi,m by reliasib Xr Etorneaux, who retires. I:411i hoot - Ensign I Iota. II. liar.. ti, • Liclit.ht Nice Touters, who retires; (Pent. to 1.,, tics 19th Pout — Nlajor T. Raper to Lient.- w halt pott•hase, NI:, !lardy, rloyeasol; Capt. 1..11.
IItiglies to Ile Major, tiro, alter 1.bort. R. C11:11,.11.rs to lie l'apt, vice Ensign! It. A. )f. to i,•• It, (;eni. 11•;,:1,1 coeltrane, from the Rosa! Nlititary CollpPe, to be litt-i,m, %ice .15141 font--Ensign Ilan. ft, \Vest to Ii,. Limit. by pArelia,e, vice Campbell, wain ; lion. I:. 11. Lindsay to be by purchtee, tire \west. %Volker, Gent. to be Ensign by rauteh:us,', Viet! Itell, appoin:cd lu the :001 ReL:t. Vied. 51111 heft —1.1ellt. Whine 1:ore Matson to be Captain by purchase, tiee ItrP•.•... who retires; Ensign Wynne Ladder to 1.bentenattt by pmch:tot, %itte Mabattl "QUI" Bell, from the Situ Iteitnent of Foot: to be Emign %lee I:01 der: 1.311 Foot — Liellte/tIllt 1) Si ...Ptithbesean, to be Captaiu by pm-ea:Ise, vice Seymour, who re- tires ; Ensign J. Thorp to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stublieman ; G. N. Harrison' Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vico Thorp. 89th Foot—Ensign and Adjt. C. It. B. Granville, to have the rank of Lieut. 90th Foot—Capt. T. 6, Egerton, from 2d West India Regt. to be Capt. vice F. White, who retires upon half-pay Unattached. 91st Foot—Lieut. W. Hickey, from the halrpay of the 41st Regt. of Foot. to be Lient. vice Landreth, deceased ; Gent. Cadet, II. J. Savage, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Russ, appointed to the 1Gth ltegt. of Foot. 98th Foot--Lieut. G. 1). Paterson, front the hztlfiray Unattached, to he Lieut. vice 11.S. Maxwell, who exchanges, ; Gent. Cadet T. II. Lovett, from the Royal Military Col- lege, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Paterson, promoted. bath Foot—Ensign C. H. Rooke, from the 9th Rect. of Foot, to he Ensign, vice ]lethme, who exchanges; Gettland, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, Viet, Al iteheil, who retires. 2(1 West India Regt.--Capt. G. P. Hawkins, from the lialrpay Umattached, to be Capt. vice Egerton, appointed to the 90th Regt. of Foot.