To do the Tories justice, bribery and intimidation, calumny and lies, are not the on/hl weapons with which they fight the Liberals. They bring into play the nir influence of activity and organization. Not content with the employment of paid and volunteer agents during the actual canvass and the election, they concert plans of operation, and organize district committees, for months previously to an expected dissolution. Thus it appears, that an able elec- tioneering agent, whose services have been most effective in the city of London, has been engaged by the Tories to put in motion some machinery for ousting Liberal members in the North of England. He was employed in Staffordshire at the late contest ; and so admirably did his plans work there, that he has been sent to Northumberland and Durham to see what can be done towards ousting Lord Howlett and his brother Whigs in those counties. His Lordship had better be on the alert, unless be is desirous of taking refuge next autumn in Morpeth or Caine. The Tories have not forgiven the rather uncivil manner in which he threw them overboard on the Church question. The Hertford Reformer furnishes us with a brief description of the Tory tactics which in Staffordshire secured the election of the unpopular Sir FRANCIS GOODRICKE.
" The whole county was mapped out into small districts, with a district com- mittee for each, acting under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Holmes, and an election agent of distinguished talent, retained, and sent down for the purpose by the Conservative huh. Every voter was numbered, and entered upon a register opened for the purpose, with a description of his qualification, name, and the name of the committee, and district, to which he belonged ; and, before he went up to the poll, the man was furnished with a card recapitulating all these particulars, and providing him, at the same time, with an answer to every question that could by possibility be asked. We have one of these cards before us, of which we give a fat.-simile, as we think it may furnish our own local associations with sonic useful hints.
E lt—No. [1:383] Name rielt Smiq Qualification Freehold Lund, 61'.]
Are you the rrsou whose name
Answer—I AM. appears on the Register? Have you voted betUre at this t Nsw„r_No. Election? 1 Do you possess the same Qualifiea. 1 tion ?
Whom do you vole fur AlISIrtI—GOODRICKE!!