MR. CADELL has sent us the First Number of a New Pronoun- cing Dictionary, edited by Mr. B. H. SMART, the elocutionist. The title is llidher's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary entirely Remodelled ; and this remodelling seems almost to have extended to the production of a new work. Unless both appearance and memory altogether deceive us, the whole of the introductory matter is new ; and very good it is,—clear, sensible, and practical. The " Schemes of the Vowels and Consonants" are very inge- niously constructed tables, for exhibiting at a view the whole of the elementary sounds of which syllables are composed. As the letter A is not completed in the Dictionary part, a definite opinion can hardly be ventured on the manner of marking the pronuncia- tion of words. Su far as we have seen, the key to the sound is more easily caught by the eye than in that of SHERIDAN KNOWLES, as the mode of spelling approximates closer to the common way. It should be added, that the words which WALKER omitted from JOHNSON as obsolete, will be restored, and such new ones incorporated as have since grown into use.