The First Part of a new Cyclopeedia of Anatomy and
Physio- logy, edited by Dr. R. B. TODD, is before us. The scheme of the work is extensive; it being intended to " embrace the whole of the sciences of anatomy and physiology, these terms being used in their largest sense as far as regards the animal kingdom." Hu- man anatomy will of course form a considerable portion of the work, and will not only comprise an amount of the healthy condi- tion of our economy, but of its morbid states. A system of com- parative anatomy will be incidentally exhibited; and in physiology it is intended that the Cyclopedia should afibrd full information as to the state of the science up to the present day. The list of contributors whose assistance Dr.Tonn has secured, is a sufficient guarantee for soundness of view, sufficiency of knowledge, and competent skill. As regards the merits of its literary execution, it is dillicult to speak from a single number; from our examina- tion of the Part before us, the work will be distinguished for in- formation and solidity.