The French Chamber of Peers decided in secret sitting, on
Tuesday, that nine of the persons charged with being parties to the letter in the Tribune and Reformateur were guilty, and ac- quitted the others. Of the guilty, two, MICHEL and TRELAT, are the avowed authors of the letter ; and two others, BICHAT and JAUFFRENOU, arc the responsible editors of the journals in which it was published. The others, among whom is Puvas.vssu, are undoubtedly innocent of the offence charged against them ; but they either refused to exculpate or inculpate themselves by answering the questions of the President, or, while disclaiming all knowledge and participation in the letter, declared their ap- probation of its principles. The amount of punishment to be awarded is not known ; but it is supposed that it will not be heavy.
The question of intervention in the affairs of Spain occupied the attention of the Parisian public ; but when the last accounts were delpatched, the determination of the Government was not known.