C'br airtropaliO.
The amount of the differences in the Lute :ore's.: fetilement at the Stock Exchange is said to have exec( dell ten ; of which one banking-house alone paid, in cheques of its customers, upward! s: two
millions. During the panic, a circumstance occurred wholly unex- ampled, we believe,—the sale by auction, by an eminent, broker of Ex- chequer Bills to a large amount, and which are said to have been dis- posed of at par. A Reform and Registration Society has just been established in Hackney. A meeting of the Reformers of that district was held on Monday last, to explain the objects of the Society and to elect its of- ficers for the year ensuing.
A Conservative Association has been formed at Blackheath, of which Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson is appointed President.
Newspapers, if put up in covers open at each end, may now be sent to and from Greccefroe gf any charge if postage, by the Mediterranean steam-packets.
Much curiosity was excited on Tuesday and Wednesday to see the front wall of a baker's house contiguous to the Adelphi Theatre in the Strand, which had sunken several inches, lifted to its orignal height by the aid of machinery, and properly secured. The means used were so efficient, that the whole house could have been lifted, if necessary, in the same manner.
King William Street, which leads from the Munsionhouse to Lon- don Bridge, was opened on Tuesday by the Lord Mayor, in the pre- sence of a large collection of people.
Sir Frederick Roe left town on Thursday morning, for Wolver- hampton, to inquire into the circumstances connected with the recent disturbances there.
It was stated at the beginning of the week, that Lord Hill had issued an order prohibiting the Foot Guards, when off ditty, from appearing in the streets with their side-arms ; but the report was incorrect.