6 JUNE 1891, Page 17

SOMMERSTEMNING.* OH, the joy of the hot June weather, When

Summer lies bound in her tangled hair, When the grass on the hills is in waving feather, And the scent of the orchis is in the air, And the lilies lie in fragrant masses, White and gold as the robes of kings, On the breast of the lake where the cygnet passes, And the dragon-fly flashes his glittering wings.

Light and life come back with the Summer, Dusk and dark with the winter cold, When the snow falls thick, and all things grow dumber, In the hush of a year that has grown too old.

Give us our thirty years in a far-land, Where summer is golden alway to men, And we wish you joy of your Northern starland, To live out your three-score years and ten.