Selborne And Wolmer Forest.
T HE power of locality to form tastes, and its impotence to subdue character, are shown with curious completeness in the cases of Gilbert White and William Clobbett. The same......
The Logical Necessity Of Miracle.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPROTATOE.":1 Sin,—If the belief in miracles were attended by no more difficulties than those felt by your correspondent, Mr. Dobell, theological......
Letters To The Editor.
SCOTTISH CHURCH PROPOSALS. [To THE EDITOR OP THH "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The Moderator of the Church of Scotland has been pleading at great length for union, but the Presbyterians......
Has Mind A Physical Basis?
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your article upon genius, in which you challenge my conclusions as to the effect of neurotic conditions upon thought, you state with......