Mr. Goschen Made An Admirable Speech At St. James's Hall
yesterday week, in defending himself from the charge of political inconsistency for now supporting Free Education, which in 1885 he had condemned. In the first place, he said.......
'we Observe With Pleasure A Statement In The Daily Telegraph
and the Daily News that the Dean of Worcester (Dr. Gott, formerly Vicar of Leeds) has been offered, and has accepted, the Bishopric of Truro, which Dr. Wilkinson has been com-......
The Two Most Prominent Men On The North American Continent
are reported dangerously ill. Sir J. A. Macdonald, Premier of Canada, has been struck down by paralysis of the brain, from overwork and excitement during the recent election,......
Lord Hartington, In Addressing A Liberal Unionist Meeting...
yesterday week, dwelt on the great advantages of the strict alliance between the Conservatives and the Liberal Unionists, and on the honourable way in which the Conserva- tives......
Mr. Howorth, Whose Letters We Almost Always Read With....
writes to the Times of Monday a long and, as it seems to us, very unjust attack on the Government, in which he finds fault with everything, including even the- courtesy with......
In The Case Of The Vacancies Caused By Lord Edward
Cavendish's death and that of Sir Robert Fowler, there has been no disposition on the part of the Gladstonians to pro- voke a contest. Mr. Victor Cavendish has been returned for......
The Persecution Of The Jews In Russia Still Goes On,
and fear is felt in London that very great numbers will take refuge in this country, which has the unique attraction of being exempt from the conscription. It is even asserted......
The Election At Paisley Showed An Enormous Increase Of The
GladstAmian majority, and no tendency whatever in the electors to resent Mr. Gladstone's declaration in favour of disestablishing the Church of Scotland. Mr. Dunn, the......