The persecution of the Jews in Russia still goes on,
and fear is felt in London that very great numbers will take refuge in this country, which has the unique attraction of being exempt from the conscription. It is even asserted that some philanthropic Jews have organised a scheme under which sixty thousand poor Jews will arrive here in one year. Lord
Rothschild has publicly stated that the influential Jews of England discourage this movement, and advise their tribes- men to settle elsewhere ; but the Government, pressed by Mr. L. Jennings and other Members, has taken alarm, and has ordered its Consuls in Russia to collect facts and report them. We fail entirely to see what it can do, unless it passes a temporary passport law, and directs its agents not to give passports to Russian Jews ; and this would worry commercial men exceedingly. " Reuter " affirms that the Czar is cognisant of the persecution, and approves it, alleging that there never is a Nihilist plot in which Jews are not mixed up, which is probably true, but is open to the rejoinder that the same argument would be a good reason for expelling all Russians. Reuter has, we think, made a Mistake. The Czar doubtless sanctions the expulsion, but it is wise to ignore the fact, because a Sovereign can most easily alter his policy by attributing it to an adviser. He cannot dismiss himself.