We have received the second volume of A Dictionary of
Applied Chemistry, by T. G. Thorpe, B S.C. (Longmans). Mr. Thorpe gives a list of contributors which, coupled with his own name, sufficiently commends the volume to the notice of students of chemistry. Among them we see the names of Professors Armstrong, Japp, Perkins, and Ramsay. There are some thirty others, all of note in their own lines. The second volume contains articles from "Eau-de-Cologne" to " Nux Vomica." " Electro-Plating," " Evaporation," " Explosives " (by Mr. Dugald Clerk), "Fer- mentation," "Coal-Gas," "Glass," "Glycerine," "Iron" (by Mr. Thomas Turner), Lead," "Leather," "Matches" (a curiously interesting article), and " Napthalene," are among the more important items. Another volume will conclude the work,