6 JUNE 1903, Page 15

[To THE EDITOR Op THE "SPECTATOR. "] 618,—In reply to the

letter in the Spectator of May 23rd from Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, I will refer him to the corre- spondence on "Hayles Abbey " between Mr. St. Clair Baddeley and myself in the Cheltenham Examiner, dated March 27th, April 10th, April 17th, and May 8th, 1901, wherein mention is made of Richard Earl of Cornwall, founder of this Abbey near Cheltenham, and the destruction of his relics and splendid tomb there in the reign of King Henry 'VIII. The murder of his son, Prince Henry, by Count Guido de Mont- fort at Viterbo is the circumstance mainly dwelt upon by us. But for several other details the readers of the Spectator, and especially your correspondent, can consult (as I say) the Cheltenham Examiner, which touches on Hayles Abbey and its history.—I am, Sir, &c., WILLIAM MERCER. 7 Berkeley Street, Cheltenham.