The Education Act, 1902. By Montagne Barlow, Ll.d., And H.
Macan, M.A. Second Edition. (Butterworth and Co. 35.6d. net.) —We note the early second edition of this inexpensive book, which is remarkably full of valuable matter. It now......
The Farmer's Business Handbook. By Isaac Phillips...
Co. 4s. 6d. net.)—This book comes from Cornell J." University, to the ideals of which it is especially suited. It will be understood, at the same time, that the English reader......
Movement Gave Us Our Greatest Poetry," Says Mr. Cooke....
on in his admirable introduction he defines it historically as "democracy in contact with Puritanism," and in a more descriptive fashion as a "movement of inquiry, revolt......
Hammersmith, Fulham, And Putney. By G. E. Mitton And J.
C. Geikie. (A. and C. Black. ls. 6d. net.)—This is a volume (the seventh in order of publication) of the series which bears the title of "The Fascination of London,"......
The Pocket Guide To The Education Act. By Laurence...
(H. J. Osborn. is. net.)—This is an admirable little guide to the Act, absolutely up to date (March 23rd) so far as official circulars are concerned. The explanatory notes are......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been eneerved for review in other forms.] My Life in Mongolia and Siberia. By John, Bishop of Norwich. (S.P.C.K.......