[to The Editor Op Try " Spectator."] Sir,—the Following...
written fifteen years ago, seems so exactly apropos of Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal scheme that it is surprising it has escaped quotation:— "And then, later what a coming together......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator.1
Sra,—In your• enthusiasm for Free-trade I think you overlook the fact that the only man who derives an unmixed benefit from low prices is the unproductive member of the......
(to Thb Editor Op The "spectator.") Sra,—a Call, Somewhat...
by many, has come to the intellect of our country from two of our clearest thinkers to consider the foundations of our belief in fiscal matters. To compare small things with......
" Scrutator's " Reply.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Snr,—In order to spare your space I will answer my two critics in the Spectator of May 30th in one letter :— (1) I have not got a copy of......