Lord Milner's proposal to admit a section of the blacks
to the municipal franchise has for the moment been withdrawn. It was found that every non-official Member of the Transvaal Legislature was opposed to it. They were not equally resolute against a franchise for Asiatics, the Council adopting that innovation by fifteen to thirteen ; but the Government, seeing the trend of public opinion, gave way and withdrew the clauses. They were, in our judgment, wise. The first effect of establishing the political equality of blacks and whites is to intensify the race jealousy and bitterness which we desire to soothe away, and to deter the ruling caste from granting the full protection and freedom to the blacks which are their un- doubted rights. The experiment has failed throughout the Southern States of the Union, and certainly should not be re- peated in South Africa until the whites there heartily agree that it will help on the social advance of the whole community. If the abstract equality of all men is a political truth, the blacks ought to be allowed the full advantage of their numbers, —that is, they ought to rule.