The Pocket Asquith. Compiled by E. E. Morton. (Mills and
Boon. ls. net.)—This little volume of brief selections from Mr. Asquith's public utterances should be useful to the student of contemporary politics. It is a curious commentary on the propaganda of Mr. Lloyd George to read that " if we want social reform in this country we must not start the movement by draining dry the sources of the country's wealth and prosperity" (Aberdeen, 1907). It is interesting at the present moment to be reminded that Liberals bold "that there ought to be a Second Chamber, and that it should be a body which, unlike the House of Lords, rests not on a hereditary, but a popular basis" (House of Commons, 1911). It is a valu- able criticism of the central feature of the new Budget to ho told that any Imperial contribution to local expenditure ought to be, "not a general grant in aid of the expenditure of the local authorities, but a grant for some specific purpose" (House of Commons, 1908).