An Official Inquiry Ie Being Held Into The Claim Of
the Hindus, who recently arrived at Victoria (B.C.) on board the ' Komagata. Mara,' to unrestricted entry into Canada on the strength of their British citizenship, but the......
An Unprecedented Situation Has Been Created In Tasmania...
action of the Governor, Sir W. Ellison-Macartney. The Liberals bad been defeated in the Legislature early in the year by the transference of one vote to the Labour Party in an......
The Confusion In Albania Is Rather Worse Than Last Week
The idea of sending a joint international force has apparently been abandoned. There is now some talk of a naval demon- stration by the Powers. The purpose of this would be to......
Lately It Seemed That The German Passenger And Mail Service
to Australia would be abandoned, and now it is said that the North German Lloyd may continue the service in return for a heavy subsidy. The most interesting recent fact is the......
An Interesting Survey Of The International Competition In...
published in the Times of Tuesday. A direct German service to New Zealand is projected by the German Australian Company, and is only part of a general scheme to make German......
Seg Troubles In The Balkans. The Times Of Wednesday...
a letter from a correspondent near the Dardanelles, dated May 27th, giving a lamentable account of the invasion of the Greek villages in the Troad by Moslem refugees from......
Speaking At Rothwell, Mid-northants, Last Saturday, Lord...
the argument that Home Rule would bring peace and contentment to Ireland, observed that the country saw one section of Irishmen armed to the teeth to resist it, and another......
As A Set-off To This Reading Of The Movement It
is only fair to quote the statement attributed by the Dublin correspondent of the Daily Chronicle to a prominent official of the National Volunteers. "They are non-political and......