Kew Gardens.
[To THE Eorros Or THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The verses in praise of New Gardens composed by your correspondent in last week's issue recall the lines of an old English ballad which,......
[to The Elmo). Or Rim "spaeraroa." J
Sra,—Perhaps my letter in your last issue was not quite clearly expressed. In the case you submit the transaction is obviously a bet, each participant acting without knowledge.......
[to Tee Editor Of Tee "spectator. "]
SIR,—The rule of your correspondent "A. B." on this subject is incomplete, as he himself seems to feel, and as your illus- tration quickly showed. But your own rules seem to me......
Thought Mr. Kilburn And The Residents For Whom He Writes
wish to have a monopoly of any place they may prefer to live in. They do not want to have the people whose labour and means allow them a holiday for only a day, a week, or a......
The Ethics Of Gambling.
[To mom Eorros or Tua - sysymvos.1 Sis,—It will, I think, be found very difficult to find a definition of gambling which will make it possible to condemn gambling itself, not......
[to The Editor Of The .. Spzotat02."1
Sfa,—I have read the article in your issue of May 23rd in which you say you do not think there is any abstract argument against betting except the argument of excess. I do not......
Dr. Sanday's Reply To The Bishop Of Oxford.
ITO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR:1, Sia,—Yonr reviewer in his sympathetic notice in last week's Spectator of Dr. Sanday's answer to Bishop Gore speaks of the immaculate......