6 JUNE 1987, Page 52


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 22 June. Entries to: Crossword 811, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 21,1..

19 2 114

27 29 32 33 14 36 37 139


6 r




10 13 17




20 1 1 121 F1124 25

3 4 5 1

mmui 11 12

26 In Doe's 100th puzzle the unclued lights (five of two or more words), when arranged in the correct order, are set to 9 Down. Elsewhere, one unchecked letter is accented: also one solution may have an apostrophe.

Name Address ACROSS 10 Offensive company (4) 12 Llama, or wolf? (10, hyphened) 14 Go back and forth (3) 15 Half-piers almost have founda- tion in small lakes (8) 17 One river and lake in the coun- tr (

18 Polish5)

spoken — or this? (7) 22 Publisher rejecting quiet Irish expostulation (6) 24 Loans arranged for exhibition hall (5) 26 We're told, refuse tabu belt (9) 27 Mercenaries from Irish glen (9) 29 One otherwise returns without hot ashes, according to Burns


36 Sweet cordial and port, drunk solo within (7)

38 Sharpe hero is endlessly drunk (5)

39 Fellow sailor's quiet before 1300 hours brewing tea (8) 41 Cause input variation for claimant of land (10) 42 Milton still rejected New Ver- sion (errors excepted) (4) 43 Felt hazards threatening Eden's reconstruction among other gar- dens (12, two words) DOWN 2 Sheila or Aunt Lisa, maybe, embracing artist (10) 4 Tailor or headless writhing (5) 5 Canal rebuilt out East, seen in one passage (9, two words) 6 Keep watch around edge of pool, with one deer (6)

7 Swedish botanist's tailless bird (5)

Compiler's state, in short (4) See preamble (12, two words) Disputants at boxing match? (8) Sink or swim (3) Dish everything s set out in (6) Danish settlers in Ireland love stone ships (6) Peculiar levitation of key rela- tionship (10)

Did US soldier pinch Scotch inside with separate fingers? (9) Shaft yielding loam with help (8) Court girl getting up for Jersey? (7)

Little monkeys, with or without child (6) Remains of a seashell (3) One third of a second erect (5, two words) Mountain bones (4) 8 9 11 16 19 20 21 23 25 28 30 32 35 37 wizard, The solution to Crossword 807 is on page 54. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.