6 JUNE 1987, page 34

New Shares

Sir: Edgar Palamountain (Letters, 30 May) who usually advocates the cause of wider share ownership is misguided in his de- fence of rights issues. As a small shareholder I have......

Tudor Stick

Sir: A.L.Rowse is being less than fair to Yorkshire in his article 'The beastliest in the realm' (23 May). Yorkshire has come in for a lot of stick lately, but undeserved......

Hanging On

Sir: I am glad to know that I am not the only victim of the inefficiency and arro- gance of British Telecom (Letters, 30 May). My telephone was out of order for a month during......

The Spectator Wine And Food Issue

will appear on 20 June......

Hung Parliament

Sir: I made clear to your reporter (Tolling the pundits', 30 May), not once but twice, that my prediction (Conservatives first but short of 326, Labour second) did not entail......


Hare brained Sir: David Hare (Why I shall vote Labour', 23 May) has quite a number of reasons for voting for a collectivist party. Most are pretty silly, but I would like to......

Sir: Why You Should Publish An Article From An Obvious

shit like Hare, at a time like this, heaven alone knows! One meets people like him all over the world who sneer at patriotism and courage and decency and who would run a mile if......