6 JUNE 1987, page 39

. . . And As A Flawed God By A

bear William Waldegrave SAM PATCH: A BALLAD OF A JUMPING MAN by William Getz Weidenfeld & Nicolson, £10.95 have always been a sucker for bears in books. Baloo and Ernest......

You Can

go home again Jeremy Lewis THE GOLDEN ORIOLE: CHILDHOOD, FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN INDIA by Raleigh Trevelyan Secker & Warburg, £16.95 A s a child who was brought up in India......

Man Viewed With Scorn By A Cat . .

Harriet Waugh STRAY by A. N. Wilson Walker Books, £8.95 V isit any bookshop and look at the Cat, Dog and Horse Section. Man's best friends are big business. Although many of the......

The Title Of Ruth Rendell's Latest Novel, Reviewed By...

Waugh on 23 May, is Talking to Strange Men, published by Hutchinson at £10.95.......