me TOE EDITOR OF THE ..Bssrmos.'i SIP.,—I have only to-day received from my house in Italy, whither It had gone, the advertisement of a press-cutting agency enclosing "S. R. ire" letter in your issue of February 13th, wherein he warns the Union of Democratic Control against consorting with "enemies of England" like your humble servant. I shall not fail to place that warning before our Executive Committee. Meanwhile, since' S. R. H." seems astonished at my not having answered a previous article (October 24th) in blame of my attitude concerning this war, adding that he had token some pains to "get it to my notice," it seems only courteous to let your correspondent know that, despite this extra trouble so kindly taken for my better chastisement, this -is the first intimation I received of the— shall we call it P—honour he has done me. But as "S. R. H's" definition of an enemy (and presumably of a friend) of England seems irreconcilable with the one I should give, I scarcely think that a controversy upon such a basis would be of much profit to any one, and least of all to your readers—Regretting my involuntary participation in any waste of your valuable February 2711i. 5igirsgotst=lecc=1:1On