The Working Man As Employer. Tro The Eonort Or The
..HMOTATOR."ll Sin,—May I trespass on your space to put in a plea for the general practitioner at tire present time? Many doctors have left their practices in the service of the......
[to Ens Editor Or Can " Srerryro...] Wish I Lad
the ability to give you an idea of the heart- ache and eoul.hunger that possess many thousands of men and women to-day and the failure of the Church to satisfy their longing.......
[to Tan Editor Of Tan "elpfctatou.") Sir,—" Expectans " Will
find the "simplified religion" he wants in the Church of England, if he will look not on the outward appearance but on the heart. The only religions principles which deserve and......
Huts V. Tents.
LT. Tan Eerron or Tux "Serc-rsron."1 Siu,—Your remarks on colds contracted by the use of huts interested me. Twenty-five pare ago, under the then Commander-in-Chief, Lord......
. Doctrinaires And The Dye Scheme.
[To rem Enrron OF TUE " Serer...on:1 Sim,—As a reader of thirty years' standing, I have noticed with great interest your opinion on the Government's dye-ware scheme, and am not......
Wanted—a Simplified Religion. [to Rex Eamon Or Xes "...
SIR,—I have read with much delight the timely letter of " Expectans" in your last issue. On some such broader and more liberal lines the Churches will have to proceed if they......