The Late Mr. Frank T. Millen.
rro TEE EDITOR or cos nSrocnoroo."] Si,—Readera of the Spectator will, I am sure, have observed with regret the death of Mr. Frank T. Hellen at Madeira on the 26th ult., for......
"nosoitijr A Sochs."
me TOE EDITOR OF THE ..Bssrmos.'i SIP.,—I have only to-day received from my house in Italy, whither It had gone, the advertisement of a press-cutting agency enclosing "S. R.......
[to Tan Editor Of Tan "elpfctatou.") Sir,—" Expectans " Will
find the "simplified religion" he wants in the Church of England, if he will look not on the outward appearance but on the heart. The only religions principles which deserve and......
Animal Sentries.
[To Tee R.owon OF THE "SPROTATOR:1 SIB,—III your issue of the 27th ult. you give many pleasing examples of bird-sentinels in war times. You omit, however, the historic case......
Manander And Scamander. [to The Mason Or Tee "specrato."]...
the following lines may serve to excuse the nnluelry slip of thepen mono of your "News of the Week" notes last Saturday.—I am, Sir, Ste„ BCAMANDER. "Bunt duo rivorum madam......
The Battle Of Aegospotaml [to See Moron Of Tos .sosormroo.”j
Sea—In the Spectator of February 27th on p. 288 Alcibiades is said to have "lost the sea empire of Athens "—at Aegospetami—" on a gamblefs throw." 4 - 1-rate in his history in......
On Commas.
rTo ros EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTAT08,1 Sass—On reading your amusing article "On Commas," it has occurred to me that the writer may have been in his youth the school inspector who,......
[to Too Emma Of Tee " Szaorrrox."] Sin,--are Not All
birds good sentinels P I once spent a pleasant hour in Devizes Gaol with a notorious burglar. He told me that he had given up a well-planned burglary of a large house in......
A Journey To Nature."
pro lam Enrroa OF VIE .. 8EacrraTox."9 Son,—A review appeared in your columns last week of a book called A Journey to Nature. It is not stated that the book is an old one or......