THE BATTLE OF AEGOSPOTAML [to see Moron OF Tos .Sosormroo.”J
Sea—In the Spectator of February 27th on p. 288 Alcibiades is said to have "lost the sea empire of Athens "—at Aegospetami—" on a gamblefs throw." 4-1-rate in his history
in Vol. p. 8, following Nenophon'a Hellenica, says that the Athenian fleet was defeated by not taking Alcibiades'
"It was in vain that Alkibiades—who from his own private forts in the Chersonese witnessed what was passing—rode up to the station and remonstrated with the generals on the exposed con- dition of the fleet on this open shore ; urgently advising them to move round to Suttee, whore they would be both close to their own supplies and safe from attack, as Lysander was at Lampsalcus —and from which they could go forth to fight whenever they chose. But the Athenian generals, especially Tydeus and Menander, disregarded his advice, and even dismissed hiss with the insulting taunt that they were now in command and not he." —Grote's History ef Greece, Vol. p. 8.