6 MARCH 1915, Page 15


[To Tun EDITOR or Tex "ErsoreTon."]

Silt,—The Publishers' Association of Great Britain has on its own showing been unsuccessfully endeavouring since 1911 to bring about a copyright agreement between this country and Russia, so it seems hardly necessary for its President to chide Mr. Curtis Brown for his suggestion that others might take a ' hand at the game by introducing a little "hustle" into the negotiations. Russian authors who wish for copyright in England have been forced to get it through Germany, and English publishers have had to pay considerable sums to German publishers for such rights, with no guarantee that any of the money gets beyond Berlin or Leipzig. No Russian author could object to matters being hurried forward, and I think that English writers, whose works have been pirated and sold in quantities in Russia, would welcome any movement that might hasten their getting some reward for their work.

8 Essex Street, Strand, WC.