Another Irish correspondent has sent us some papers in which
an appeal was made to him to buy certificates of the Loan issued by the " Government of the Irish Republic." The printed heading of the lettbr is in Erse. The writer of the appeal opene with the words "A Chars," but instantly relapses into English, in which the whole of the letter is written until he signs himself at the end " Mise, le meas mor." The Loan is for £250,000. It is to bear interest at 5 per cent., and will be redeem. able " within twenty years of the international recognition of the Irish Republic." " The programme of the Dail [the Republican Parliament in Dublin)," says the writer, " is so comprehensive that sums sufficient for the utmost needs of a political party would fall entirely short for the purposes to which Dail Eireann means to apply itself." We can quite believe it, and only wonder what the Irish farmer thinks of this appeal.