Encouraged By Mr. Lloyd George's Surrender To The Turco-...
the Turks have lost no time in proceeding with the extermination of the Armenian remnant in Cilicia. A weak French garrison was forced to evacuate Marash on February 10th, and......
The Agitators Who Advocate " Direct Action " In Order
to over- throw the existing order of society and to nationalize everything under the control of a small minority do not tell their dupes that the inevitable result would be......
The Times Of Wednesday Publishes A Letter Signed By Sir
H. Rider Haggard, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Lord Sydenham, and others announcing the formation of a " Liberty League." The object of this League is to " combat the advance of Bol-......
It Is Exactly The Same Story In America. Directly We
send an Ambassador to Washington whose standards, owing to his train- ing and his career, are not markedly dissimilar from American standards we invite comparisons and judgments......
The French Rtriko Has Reinforced The Familiar Truth That "
direct action " must fail against a Government fairly repre- senting the majority. The strike leaders set themselves to over- awe M. Millerand and the French people by stopping......
The Chief Victim Of The Sinn Fein Campaign Of Murder
and outrage this• week was Mr. Frank Shawe Taylor, a well- kaolin - Galway landowner and a kinsman of the late Captain Shawe Taylor, who inspired Mr. Wyndham's Land Act. Mr.......
Sir Auckland Geddes Has Been Appointed British Ambassador...
United States. We cannot conceal our regret at this appointment. Sir Auckland Geddes has of course many good qualities, but he is precisely the type of man who through no fault......
The Bolsheviks Announced This Week That The Russian...
Union had decided to send five delegates abroad " to establish an exchange of goods between Russia and Western countries." The delegates named were Krassin, Litvinoff, and three......
The French Railway Strike, Which Began On Wednesday Week And
ended on Monday, was an even greater failure than the railway strike in this country last autumn. It was deliberately provoked by a revolutionary clique, who found a pretext in......
The Allies Decided Last Saturday To Submit To Germany...
typical cases of foul crime committed by Germans during the war, at the expense of seven different nations. Ger- many will be asked to send the criminals for trial before her......