The agitators who advocate " direct action " in order
to over- throw the existing order of society and to nationalize everything under the control of a small minority do not tell their dupes that the inevitable result would be serfdom. But this end has already been reached in Russia. " Comrade " Trotsky announced last month that " most rigorous State pressure will be brought to bear on the workmen. Compulsory labour is an indispensable measure. Free labour can exist only in a capitalistic State." No strikes are permitted in Red Russia. Workmen have to do what they are told, on pain of imprisonment or death. Their hours of labour and their pay are fixed for them. The Trade Unions aro held responsible for the faults of their members, but have no control over the conditions of work. We observe that the Daily Herold tries to explain away these indubitable facts by saying that the Bolshevik rule is a " Trade Union Government." Even if that were true, as it is not, we oannot see how the political complexion of a Government would make slavery any more attractive to the slave.