[to The Editor Oe The " Spectator."] Sir, —canon Rawnsley...
I am out of date, because, for the purpose of my comparison of Carlisle with the rest of England and Wales respecting the statistics of drunkenness, I used the latest official......
The Need For Union Against Revolution. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some interesting suggestions have lately been made for a union of all constitutionally minded Liberals and Conservatives to resist the subversive forces......
State Purchase Of The Liquor Trade. (to The Editor Of
THE " SPEcrezott."1 SIR, —Canon H. D. Rawnsley in an emphatic letter under the above heading in your issue of the 28th tilt., and which is largely based on the evidence of......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sir, —one Can Agree
with your correspondent " Temperance " last week that theoretically there are other ways beside State Purchase of obtaining the same good results, such as establish- ing public......
Salaries In The Hospitals.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —In your number of February 28th Mr. John Murray mentioned " the hospitals, and the vast amount of private means and personal, unpaid......