Sin, In respect of an interesting article in your last issue which bears the above title, may I venture to say that the London elementary school with which for thirty-five years or more I have been connected as manager and friend does prepare and then take its children for intelligent visits to the mono' meats and museums of London ? I append a list of some of these visits The Tower; St. Paul's; the Abbey; the National Gallery; the National Portrait Gallery; the Victoria and Albert Museum; the British Museum in sections; the temporary War-Time Exhibition at the British Musesm; Kensington Palace, when it was open; Kew Gardens and Palace, &c. We are now hoping to prepare for and enjoy the London Museum at Stafford House. I cannot suppose but that other London elementary schools do the same interesting work.—I am, Sir,
[Many years ago the Council of the Manchester Art Museum not only gave three thousand pictures to elementary wheels, but brought it about that the visits of children to galleries and museums should be counted as school time. The Art for Schools Association in London has also done excellent work.—En. Spectator.]