• Eli of the Downs : a Novel. By 0.
M. A. Peake. London z lininesuuln. Rs. net.] comprises the whole life of the hero or heroine is familiar to us all. The reader is hardly accustomed, however, to stories which embrace the marriage of the heroine's grandchild and the birth of a fourth generation. Most people will not have very much sympathy with Aletta Hulse, later Aletta Picard, but at any rate her character is consistent to the smallest detail, and the author succeeds in creating a living figure.—Old Wine in New Bottles. By Elinor Mordaunt. (Hutchinson. 6s. 9cL net.)—A series of exceedingly powerful stories founded on events and characters in the Old Testament. There are horrible pictures of Europeanized Chinese in " Mr. Affan " and " Peepers All," and though some of the other stories are on more everyday themes, the whole collection is exceedingly well worth reading.