Sra,—Your interesting article in the Spectator of April 29th under the above heading suggests to me that you might like to print the following inscription, written by Isaac Walton, which appears on his wife's memorial tablet in Worcester Cathedral,—she was the sister of Bishop - Ken :—" Here lyeth buryed soe much as could dye of Anne, the wife of Isaac Walton, who was a woman of remarkable prudence and of the Primitive Piety, her great and general knowledge being adorned with • such true Humility, and blest with soe much Christian Meekness as made her worthy of a more memorable Monument. She dyed (Alas ! that she is dead) the 17th of April, 1662: aged 52. Study to be like her."— I am, Sir, dm, College, Worcester, May 2nd. T. TmuNstou'ru-Snonz.