Lord Salisbury's Speech At The Academy Banquet Last...
full of good things. After the announcement of his Russian agreement, the Prime Minister, with evident gusto, launched out into the question of ugliness and beauty in naval......
Lord Monteagle's Valuable Paper On The Recent Irish...
elections, "After the Deluge in Ireland," in Wednes- day's Westminster Gazette, should be read in connection with the exultant peen of victory by " Milesius " in the......
The United States Government Have Taken A Curious Step....
as it sounds, the Postmaster-General, with the assent, it is said, of the President, has forbidden certain pamphlets written by Mr. Atkinson, the well-knoWn economist, to be......
The Vacancy In The Representation Of Oxford University,...
the death of Sir John Mowbray, will, it is now certain, be filled by the unopposed return next week of Sir William Anson. Sir William, whose accession to the House will......
The Prince Of Wales, Who Took The Chair At A
dinner in aid of the London Lifeboat Saturday Fund on Monday, gave an interesting survey of the operations and resources of the National Lifeboat Institution, which was founded......
One Does Not Want To Bandy Words With So Accomplished
a wit as Lord Salisbury, but surely he is a little behind the times in the matter of ironclads. The ironclads of tvienty years ago were deubtless hideous burdens to the water,......
Lord Rosebery, Speaking At The "diamond Jubilee" Banquet...
Newsvendors' Benevolent and Provident Institution On Wednesday, made a courageous and sensible speech on the vexed question of seven - day newspapers. Basing his objection to......
The Times Published In Its Issue Of Monday The Draft
majority Report of the Licensing Committee, as well as that signed by Lord Peel and seven temperance members. On many points the two Reports are in complete agreement,—vin, in......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2t) Were On
Friday 110+.......